Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Count Down

I can't believe the summer has gone by so registration is next week and we are counting down the days until Zac will be finished at basic training in Texas. We are going to drive down for his graduation, Jordan and I plus Zac's Dad...we leave on August 11th. We are looking forward to seeing him and having him back for awhile. He will have to leave again for his training and will be gone for a longer period of time so we will cherish the time we have with him.

I have been bugging Jordan all summer to get her bedroom cleaned and today finally decided to jump in or it is never going to get done....why do teenagers have to be so messy? We cleaned for 3 hours, 2 LARGE garbage bags later and 3 bags of clothes for Goodwill she made me quit for the day...she said and I quote "ok stop, you are making me mad and we just need to stop for today." I did find the floor and was horrified at how dirty it is. Never again will it get so bad!

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